Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tien Shan helps China rise to top of gold producers

Gold mining is becoming a global game as evidenced by the Tien Shan gold belt, which is the cause of China’s quick assent to the top of the gold producing tree. With an estimated 190 million ounces of gold reserves in various projects associated with the Tien Shan gold belt the attention it is attracting is easy to understand. Various Australian gold hopefuls like Perseus Mining and Kentor Gold are eager to learn all they can about this up and coming gold laden area.Perseus which is planning to very soon spin off its gold projects into a new listing called Manas Mining has made a couple of very lucrative gold discoveries in just the last two years. Sounds great but it isn't as easy as all that. Centerra, a Canadian outfit, has found that the red tape can be just about more than it's worth after their gold license for the Kumtor gold mine was called into question for it's validity. Kumtor is expected to produce up to 600,000 ounces of gold a year when it gets into full flight.Our refiners want you to know that we will always give you the best price for your gold. because we are the actual refiners we can pay you more for your scrap gold and broken gold jewelry.

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